If you wish to become a vendor please reach out to kieshawne.green@eo.vi.gov.
The first come first serve initiative has been funded with an initial $800,000 grant through the State Energy Program Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (SEPBIL). To qualify for the program you must be a full time resident of the territory, own a home and or business/non-profit, and have an active Water and Power Authority (WAPA) bill in your name. Further, the automatic battery backup system must have a capacity between 3 kWh to 21 kWh. Equipment can be purchased either from a vendor on VIEO’s approved list, or from some other source. Please note, systems purchased from vendors outside of VIEO’s network of vetted suppliers will be subject to additional technical review by VIEO staff and an approved Electrical Final Certificate from the Department of Planning and Natural Resources (DPNR) is required before the VIBES application process can begin.
# 8000 Nisky Center 2nd Floor Ste 208
Charlotte Amalie, VI 00802
Phone: (340) 714-VIEO (8436)
Fax: (340) 776-1914
#2 Estate Carlton | Suite 3
Frederiksted, USVI 00840
Phone: (340) 713-VIEO (8436)
Fax: (340) 772-0063