Weatherization Assistance Program

Thank you for your interest in WAP. Program information, instructions and helpful links can all be found here.
Virgin Islands Energy Office

Program Overview

Leveraging achievable everyday energy efficiency gains to reduce electrical consumption.
Helping elderly, disabled, and low income individuals make their homes as energy efficient as feasible is WAP’s main goal. Beneficiaries of the program are able to retrofit their homes with new, energy efficient appliances and solutions that help to reduce their electricity consumption, and their utility bills.
The girl sets the ekonomic mode in the washing machine
$ 9K+
in assistance if eligible.
Weatherization Assistance Program

What to Know

The WAP program places precedent on enrolling households that typically find it challenging to invest in keeping up with the most energy efficient new appliances. Applications are assigned a score depending on how many of the eligibility requirements they meet, with priority for retrofits being given to households with the greatest need for increased energy efficiency.  If found eligible, VIEO can replace your existing inefficient household appliances with updated energy efficient versions such as, low-flow showerheads and aerators, energy efficient light-bulbs, air-conditioner replacements, an ENERGY STAR refrigerator, water heater replacement, hot water heater timer, and other approved items.  You can also receive educational material on how to keep your energy burden low. 

Checking your Eligibility

Factors that impact eligibility include whether an applicant’s household income falls below double the federal poverty guideline for a particular family unit, if there is a disabled household member, or the family has a child under the age of five. Other criteria include if the family has any sexagenarian or older members, if more than 20 percent of the household income goes toward energy bills, or your family has unusually high energy consumption needs

2024 Federal Poverty Income Guidelines

One of the primary factors affecting eligibility is income. Household income should fall below the 200% poverty level as follows:

Size of Family Unit Threshold 200%
1 $ 17,310 $ 34,620
2 $ 23,500 $ 47,000
3 $ 29,690 $ 59,380
4 $ 35,880 $ 71,760
5 $ 42,070 $ 81,140
6 $ 48,260 $ 96,520
7 $ 54,450 $ 108,900
8 $ 60,640 $ 121,280
For families with more than 8 people, 100% of poverty level increases $6,190 for each additional person. Therefore, for weatherization at 200% of poverty level, add $12,380 for each additional person. (

Apply Now

Once you have compiled all of the required documents, please click on the link below to download and complete an application.
Weatherization Assistance Program

Pre-Application Checklist

VIEO will only accept copies of the documents required to apply for WAP assistance, not originals. There are four types of documents that applicants must submit, namely, proof of income, occupancy, tax records, and utility bills. Submitting an application without all of the required documents will delay the time it takes for VIEO to determine your eligibility.
WAP is open to your whether your own or rent your home. To establish residency, submit either a deed, lease agreement, rent receipt, mortgage payment, etc.
Submit either the last two paycheck stubs for each household member, or in the case of adolescents 16 and older who receive income from any source, documentation of their earnings. If you receive income from sources outside of a job like disability income, alimony, social security, or other, make sure to include an award letter, check stub, or whatever documentation you receive verifying the payments.
To verify that each family member lives at the home, you must provide a picture ID and a completed form of occupancy verification.
The prior fiscal year’s federal taxes filed with the IRS, , or the last three years of complete taxes if self-employed. If you have earned income in the past two years and have not filed taxes, please submit a notarized statement attesting to that.
Your current utility bill